Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

Hey there, startup founder! Are you wrestling with fundraising for your crypto venture? I've got just the remedy you need!

Let's face it, in today's startup landscape, fundraising is a universal challenge.

But ever wonder where the real problem lies? Could it be your tokenomics, business model, traction, or team dynamics?

Well, let's draw a parallel here – think of fundraising like going on a date. What's key in a first date scenario, especially with a tough-to-impress individual?

Undoubtedly, it's about making a stellar first impression.

And in the startup world, your pitch deck is your first impression toolkit.

But here's the million-dollar question: how do you make that striking first impression when charisma isn't your go-to trait and lavish dining isn't an option? Don't worry, I've got your back with some tried-and-tested tricks of the trade.

Why do I believe they'll work? Because they've proven their worth time and again.

As I pondered over how to best support you in this challenging journey, it struck me – there's no need to reinvent the wheel. Why start building your pitch deck from scratch when you can draw inspiration from the industry giants like Coinlist, FTX, Coinbase, Revolut, or N26?

These trailblazers have openly shared their pitch decks, the very ones that helped them secure hundreds of millions in funding.

Think your pitch deck is up to snuff? You might be surprised. Within these exemplar decks, you could uncover the elusive ingredient you need to captivate your investors.

N26 pitch deck takeaways

Starting with N26, the German fintech unicorn that soared to a $9 billion valuation, thanks to a smashing $900 million Series E funding in 2021.

What's the secret sauce of their 2016 pitch deck that secured a cool $40 million in Series B?

Here's the kicker: N26's pitch deck wasn't just a presentation; it was a storytelling masterpiece. It wove a narrative around their ambitious goal to lead Europe's neobank sector, outpacing rivals like Revolut and Monzo. Their deck didn't just flaunt numbers; it told a story of rapid expansion to 8 million customers across 24 countries, with a strong foothold in Germany, France, and Italy.

Also, consider the masterful way N26 and Coinlist wove in authoritative quotes that perfectly echo their business ethos.

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

And here's the Coinlist's one:

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

What's the takeaway for you? Your pitch deck should paint a picture of your journey, from humble beginnings to grand aspirations. It's about crafting a narrative that connects with investors on a deeper level, showing them not just where you are, but where you're headed.

Coinlist pitch deck takeaways

Switching gears to Coinlist, which catapulted to a $1.5 billion valuation with a $100 million Series A in 2021. This pitch deck is a masterclass in presenting a web3 startup.

Coinlist began as a token-offering platform in 2017 and evolved into a comprehensive crypto trading and wallet service. Their deck did more than just list services; it showcased a story of evolution and expansion, supported by a venture round from big names like Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Polychain Capital.

The real clincher? Coinlist's deck demonstrated how to appeal to the crème de la crème of VC investors. Their latest funding round, backed by the likes of SpaceX investor Agman Partners and other tech investment veterans, shows the power of a well-crafted narrative and a strategically structured deck.

So, founders, here’s your playbook: Look beyond the numbers. Weave your unique story, showcase your evolution, and most importantly, communicate your vision clearly. Your pitch deck isn't just slides; it's the opening chapter of your success story. Let it resonate, captivate, and convince. Dive into these pitch decks, learn, adapt, and get ready to pitch your way to the top!

Revolut pitch deck takeaways

Okay, founders, let's slice through the fluff. Overloading your pitch deck with dense jargon and complex visuals? That's not the key to an investor's heart.

Revolut's early deck cuts through the noise — it was crystal clear, so straightforward that it spoke to everyone, even if they had zero fintech savvy. This wasn't by chance; it was by design. Their presentation, focusing on the problem of 'Spending and sending money abroad sucks,' was spot-on.

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

It highlighted expensive, inconvenient, and sneaky fees — pain points anyone with a wallet understands.

That's how they secured their first £1.5 million.

Now, let’s talk scale — the make-or-break slide that's often amiss. Coinlist nailed it. They didn't just outline their offerings; they demonstrated a robust infrastructure ready to take on the world. From their full-service crypto spot exchange to mobile apps that sing of user-friendliness, Coinlist showed they were ready to scale and innovate at pace, much like they were orchestrating a symphony in the crypto space.

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

And about that swagger?

Absolutely, flaunt it if it's backed by solid plans — just like Coinlist did, showcasing partnerships with giants like BitGo and Gemini. They weren't just sharing their goals; they were proving they're on the express lane to dominating their market niche.

Revolut's journey from a 2015 launch to a staggering $33 billion valuation in 2021, despite a fiscal loss, tells us one thing — boldness coupled with clear-cut strategies pays off. Their pitch deck from the seed round is a testament to their early vision, one that resonated with investors because it spoke the language of rapid growth and widespread adoption.

So founders, when you're crafting that deck, remember this: Clarity wins. Scale matters. And yes, a little bit of swagger, when well-founded, can be the very thing that gets investors talking. It’s about painting your ambition, not just with broad strokes but with the finesse that shows you know your game and you're here to change it. Get that right, and you're not just pitching; you're starting a revolution in the making."

Coinbase pitch deck takeaways

If you're aiming to conquer a market niche, don't just step up—strut up to that stage with confidence. Why play it humble when you can blaze through with the swagger of a market leader in the making?

Take a cue from this Coinbase's pitch deck. They went big and bold right out of the gate, likening 'Coinbase : Bitcoin' to 'iTunes : MP3'.

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

That's not just confidence; that's laying down a gauntlet, telling the world they're here to be the go-to platform for crypto, just as iTunes was for music.

This isn't just about ambition; it's about mindset.

Their 2012 deck wasn't just pitching a service; it was pitching a revolution. It was a time when Bitcoin was a whisper, and Coinbase turned it into a conversation.

And guess what?

That pitch deck from their seed round wasn't just a deck; it was a prophecy. Fast forward, and Coinbase is a household name with an IPO valuation that skyrockets over $85 billion. That's the power of vision mixed with a dash of daring.

So here's the deal: We've got all these champions' decks in our knowledge base, loaded with insights that are pure gold. And for those who think they're too busy to dig deep, we've distilled the essence into pitch deck templates that ripe and ready.

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

Our team has done a huge work, analyzing these heavy hitters' decks, combining years of hands-on experience with startups, and keeping our ears to the ground with VCs to bring you a template that's got it all.

Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck

We're regularly adding new startup pitch deck templates in the knowledge base, focused on different verticals and use cases in web3 and crypto. So ensure you registered on InnMind to keep updated. Just drop in your details, and boom—you've got yourself a deck that's not just smart, it's street-smart, investor-smart, and ready to turn heads.

So, what's the hold-up? Jump in, and let's start scripting your success story. Show the world your ambition isn't just talk; it's about to become the next big headline.

PS: and if you need dedicated advice and support from our VC analysts in revising your pitch and crafting the perfect fundraising pitch deck, apply here and let's do the magic!

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Start Your Startup Fundraising with the Right Pitch Deck
