Hello Coders!

This article mentions an open-source sample that presents the developer’s stats pulled from GitHub free API and presents the information using React & Tremor Library. Thanks for reading!

The flow is pretty simple: Users input their username, the information is consumed from GitHub and the charts are displayed. For newcomers, Tremor is a modern stack built on top of Tailwind and ReCharts, focusing mainly on scientists and developers that develop dashboards and analytics products.

React, Tremor & Tailwind - Open-Source Sample (animated presentation)

The product can be used by anyone that has a decent NodeJS version installed in the workstation. Once the sources are saved locally, the project can be started easily.

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/sample-tremor-github-charts.git
$ cd sample-tremor-github-charts
$ yarn $ yarn start 

✨ What is Tremor

Tremor is a low-level, opinionated UI component library to build dashboards. It offers components, such as charts, layouts, or input elements, covering the essential parts of a dashboard or analytical interface.

Their approach provides flexibility between beautiful defaults and fast customization. The best way to get started is to check out our templates, called Blocks, for getting a feeling of how components are used and combined.

Tremor - Free React Library for Dashboards

Thanks for reading! For more resources and support, please access:

  • 🚀 Free support provided by AppSeed (email & Discord)
  • 👉 More free apps crafted in Flask, Django, and React

Source: https://www.codementor.io/chirilovadrian360/react-tremor-tailwind-coder-stats-via-github-api-1ztkko7xpw