WordPress is a versatile and widely-used platform for building websites, but like any software, it’s not immune to occasional errors. One frustrating issue that users may encounter is the “Image Has Failed to Upload Due to an Error – Missing a Temporary Folder” message. If you’ve come across this error, fear not – this article will guide you through the troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem and get your media uploads back on track.

Understanding the Error:

The “Missing a Temporary Folder” error typically occurs when WordPress is unable to locate the temporary folder where it stores files during the upload process. This can be caused by various factors, including incorrect server configurations, permission issues, or conflicts with plugins.

Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Check Server Disk Space:
    Ensure that your server has sufficient disk space available. If the disk space is full, WordPress may struggle to create temporary files needed for image uploads.
  2. Verify wp-content/uploads Directory Permissions:
    Check the permissions of the ‘wp-content/uploads’ directory. Set it to 755 (read/write/execute for the owner and read/execute for group and others). You can do this using an FTP client or a file manager provided by your hosting provider.
  3. Create a Temp Folder:
    Manually create a ‘tmp’ folder in the ‘wp-content’ directory. Set the permissions for this folder to 755. WordPress should automatically detect and use this folder for temporary storage.
  4. Check PHP Version:
    Ensure that your server is running a compatible PHP version. WordPress recommends using PHP 7.4 or higher for optimal performance and security.
  5. Review PHP Settings:
    Adjust your PHP settings to allow for larger file uploads. Increase values for ‘upload_max_filesize’ and ‘post_max_size’ in your php.ini file. If you don’t have access to this file, contact your hosting provider.
  6. Deactivate Plugins:
    Temporarily deactivate all plugins to check if the issue is caused by a plugin conflict. If the error disappears, reactivate plugins one by one to identify the culprit.
  7. Switch to the Default Theme:
    Switch to a default WordPress theme (e.g., Twenty Twenty-One) to rule out theme-related issues. If the problem persists, it’s likely not theme-related.
  8. Consult Hosting Support:
    If all else fails, contact your hosting provider’s support team. They may be able to assist you with server-specific configurations and resolve the issue at the server level.


Resolving the “Image Has Failed to Upload Due to an Error – Missing a Temporary Folder” issue in WordPress requires a systematic approach. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and address the root cause of the problem. Remember to backup your site before making any significant changes, and don’t hesitate to seek assistance from your hosting provider if needed. With persistence and attention to detail, you’ll have your WordPress media uploads functioning smoothly once again.